Lesson Task 1.1
My journey here
Hi, I’m Philip. I am 18 years old and grew up in Norway. After graduating high school in Media and Communication this year, I moved to Spain with some of my friends. Now I travel around to learn different cultures and meet new people. I currently do freelancing jobs here and there, while now finally started this study as well.
After I started Media and Communication at Sentrum VGS in Kongsvinger, I’ve fallen in love with Graphic Design and Illustration. Now I have a passion doing drawing designs, and turning it into digital art. I also love traveling as you would suspect. In my free time I try to sharpen my skills at drawing and digital software.
In the future I would love to do Graphic Designs for my favorite artists, that’s always been a dream. I also want to get better at videography and photography, so one day I could do jobs as a video producer/editor. I’m sure this study with Noroff will help me get further to goals, and I’m excited to get started with you all!
The finished product of my self-portrait (Sketch will be delivered in the report)

Lesson Task 1.2
Moodle Illustration
So for this task I was supposed to get known with the Moodle website and the structure we deliver etc. After that, I had to choose a metaphor/concept/analogy that illustrated how I see Moodle with all its different elements and areas.

This is my metaphor for my first impressions and handling with the Moodle website. The idea of the backstreet with garbage was the first thought that came to mind when I read the lesson. I personally don’t like it, and just the structure and way to find different documents was quite hard at first. A positive side about the website though, is the forums that were very useful. I am starting to understand it slowly but surly now, but as said earlier this was my first impression.
Lesson Task 1.3
Moodle Profile
In this task I had to finish up my Moodle profile, with a few sentences about myself. So I wrote:
”Hi, my name is Philip and I am 18 years old. Just graduated high school and moved to Spain a couple of weeks later. At the moment of writing this I am in Mexico, traveling around to meet new people and cultures. My interests are for sure traveling, but other than that I have a passion for graphic design, videography and video editing as well.”

This is the picture of me I choose to use for my profile picture. The image is taken with a Nikon D3500, and with the help of some purple strobe lights.
Task Lesson 1.4
Forum Presentation
This task was about presenting myself in the class presentation forum. Here I also told a little bit about myself, and linked my blog. I looked through a lot of my fellow classmates blogs to learn a more about them as well. Excited to get started with everyone!

All Course Assignment due dates:
Delivery:30.08.2021 (10:00)
Delivery:24.09.2021 (4pm)
Delivery:03.12.2021 (4pm)
Delivery:25.02.2022 (4pm)
Delivery:25.03.2022 (4pm)
Semester Project 1:
Delivery:29.04.2022 (4pm)
Project description:
Delivery:28.01.2022 (4pm)
Portfolio 1:
Delivery:13.05.2022 (4pm)
Delivery:09.09.2022 (4pm)
Delivery:07.10.2022 (4pm)
Delivery:13.01.2023 (4pm)
Delivery:10.03.2023 (4pm)
Project Exam 1:
Delivery:25.05.2023 (4pm)
Project Description:
Delivery:10.02.2023 (4pm)
Portfolio 2:
Delivery:09.06.2023 (4pm)