First Steps Into Motion Design

1.1 The History of motion design

You’ve just acquired a time machine! To which era of motion history would you travel to get involved in? Write a 250-word document outlining your favourite era and include the following:

  • What year would you go back to?
  • Who would you be an understudy to?
  • Why is this part of motion history your favourite?
  • How do you think this part of history has influenced the modern day world?

Include pictures, videos and any other media to help motivate your answers.

ANSWER: I would probably go back to the new era, the 1900’s. I would love to be an understudy to Walt Disney in the Steamboat Willy times. I like this part of the motion history due to a lot of nostalgia, and a weird attraction to the artstyle and the way things looked and got made. I think it has influenced the mordern day world by making a true ground base for the style of animation to grow and flourish.

1.2 Understanding the industry

Find a motion design studio or freelancer and give some examples of their work.

  • What type of motion design do they specialise in?
  • Where are they from?
  • What do you like about their work?

ANSWER: The studio is BUCK. They specialise in everything from from illustration to animation, scripting to sound design. It seems like they are very veristile. They are based in a lot of locations around the world including: Los Angeles, Brooklyn, Australia, Amsterdam and London.

I really like the way the animation flows and looks super realistic. I’ve always been super attracted to that in animation. I really liked this project:

LT 1.3 Workflow

Oh no! You’ve taken over a project from a colleague. Their folder structure and naming conventions are non-existent. Have a look at their project folder below:

Before jumping into the project, it’s a good idea to sort out this mess. Create folders and rename the files according to what you’ve learnt in this lesson. Post a screenshot of your folder structure and naming conventions on your WordPress blog.



LT 1.4 Pre-Production

Style frames

You are a concept artist, and the director of their new TV commercial has asked you to explore some style tests. They don’t want to stifle your creativity, so they have asked you to pick any simple object and illustrate it in three unique ways.

Step 1: Find three different styles on your favourite reference site (Dribbble, Behance, Artstation, etc.).

Step 2: Pick a simple object.

I chose a pigeon as my object.

Step 3: Illustrate that object three times to match the references you found.

This is my reference image for the pose I want the pigeon to be in:

Step 4: Upload your style frames to your WordPress blog.

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