Lesson 1.1 Product Photography You are required to take and edit a product image for IKEA. Do some research on the IKEA website and create a simple mood board with sample photographs from products on the website, showing the style you are imitating. Your final image must meet their online store’s look, feel, size and …
LT 2.1 Modern design in America Part 1 Explore social media and the Internet to find examples of conceptual illustrations that aptly describe a complex political, social or cultural idea. See if you can find examples of: Write a sentence or two about these illustrations and publish them on your WordPress blog. Remember to give …
LT 1.1 Why graphic design history is important Before starting with the next lessons in the days to come and deep diving into some of the highlights of the modern history of graphic design, it will be beneficial to get a broad overview of the field. Discover the power of imagery with Sean Adams in …
Part 1 By now, you should be in the process of vectorising your chosen logo – if you are not yet at this stage, just continue with the process and do the next part of the module assignment. You need to consider which touchpoints the client expects to see in the presentation (take a look …
Part 1 Now it’s time to get typing. This is the start of your strategic planning and research; you’ll use all this information in your report. To start this activity, you need to have knowledge about the course assignment (found at the bottom of the Module Overview page) and answer the questions with the brief in mind. ANSWER: Brodie’s Books was created …
LT 3.1 Styling Images You need to create an HTML and CSS document for this lesson task. Use one root folder containing separate CSS and image folders. Find three images you can use; one will be used as a background and one as part of the content, while the third should be a simple png …
2.1 CSS Basics Part 1 Create a basic file structure to organise your different types of documents and images. Create at least three HTML pages for the project and name the home page index.html. Each HTML file should have the following: The home page (or index.html) should also have a <main> element that contains the …
LT 1.1 – Hosting and file management Part 1 Since you will create your own website using HTML and CSS in this course, you will need to acquire your own hosting service. This part of the lesson task is mandatory. You are free to choose any hosting service, but we recommend The monthly fee is …
LT 4.1 Part A Consider the touchpoints of your brand in general (to ensure that all the elements work together) and then focus on your packaging. Design a set of point of sale elements that will promote your product in-store. The set can consist of however many elements you choose. It can be in any …